Nashville Police Refuse to Release Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto

by Kate Anderson


Nashville police will not be releasing the manifesto of the deceased Covenant School shooting suspect, a police spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday.

Nashville Metro Police Department (NMPD) announced that they had found “writings” from 28-year-old transgender suspect Audrey Hale’s home Monday that indicated a “calculated and planned” attack, according to an NMPD press release. An NMPD spokesperson told the DCNF Tuesday that the department had no intentions of releasing the documents to the public anytime soon, citing the ongoing investigation into Hale.

“No, we will not be releasing the manifesto during an open investigation,” the spokesperson told the DCNF.

The police spokesperson did not say for certain whether or not the manifesto would be released in the future after the investigation was closed and restated that due to the ongoing nature of the situation, there was no intention by law enforcement to release the documents.

NMPD Chief John Drake confirmed to reporters during a press conference that the shooting was a “targeted attack” and said that he would elaborate on that at a future date.

“We have a manifesto, we have some writings that we are going over that pertain to this day,” Drake said. “We have a map drawn out of how all this was going to take place.”

Drake also said during the press conference that Hale’s transgender identity played a role in the attack, but did not elaborate further on the motive. Text messages between Hale and a former teammate also indicated that the attack was targeted at the Christian school, with Hale saying that she had left “more than enough evidence” behind and that everything would eventually “make sense.”

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Kate Anderson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Background Photo “Crime Scene Tape” by Tony Webster. CC BY-SA 4.0.





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6 Thoughts to “Nashville Police Refuse to Release Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto”

  1. Truthy McTruthFace

    we all know the delay’s reasoning.

    cooper is probably part of the press to keep it secret.

    no guns for mentally ill.

  2. Hope

    Journalists should file FOIA request to attain the manifestos.
    It’s important to know all the facts.
    Also her Counselor should be interviewed. Did she know if Hale was a threat to herself or others.
    What drugs was she on?
    If she was ” transitioning”, that usually involves Teststerone & other behavior modifiers.
    What did her friend know?
    What did her parents know or suspect?
    It’s hard to believe there were no warning signs.
    People need to know bc the Trans Org is threatening “Day of Vengeance”. Antifa is supposed to be involved. I know the FBI knows who these violent actors are. Who is paying them to show up & create chaos? The FBI is hopefully tracking these hired thugs.
    Christian Schools had better hire ( or have staff trained to carry weapons. )Security for Schools & Church Services.
    If the shooter knows school staff are armed, they won’t show up. They look for easy targets.
    The purpose is to install fear so we will succumb to something we know is wrong. Very Communist like. No one is forcing them to live in TN. Perhaps they would be happier in Califirnia, which has declared itself as a Sanctuary for Trans ideology.

  3. Tim Price

    They are afraid that the manifesto will confirm that this was a hater crime against Christians!

    But it was against LBGTQ, Blacks, Asians, or Hispanics it would have already been released.

    Would bet Mayor Cooper is behind this!

  4. Steve Allen

    Let’s hope it’s due to the ongoing investigation, and not political leftist BS.

  5. Jay

    What are they afraid of. It obvious this person was mentally ill.
